About Us
Gain Skin Confidence and Feel More Beautiful (No Makeup Required)

If only your younger, 20-year old self knew what you know now, right? Harsh chemicals are not your friend.
You see, harsh chemicals can be downright harmful to your skin’s health and cause a whole host of unwanted skin problems like uneven skin tone, dark spots acne, early wrinkles, blemishes and sensitive skin.
And DW Aesthetics was launched to ensure you don’t fall victim to the harmful ingredients contained in skincare products like I did.
By the way, I’m Cynthia Adjei. After spending years trying to find products to fix my hyperpigmentation using makeup to mask my “flaws” and attempt to make myself feel confident and beautiful, my skin started suffering from even worse hyperpigmentation, blemishes and a lacklustre, dull appearance.
And after finally deciding enough was enough, I made a decision to create and source for some of the best skincare products on the market.
And now, my team and I are on a mission to help you do the same.
Our skin care products include natural ingredients such as shea butter, kojic acid, alpha arbutin, vitamin c, aloe vera, and essential oils. Plus, we work directly with pharmacists and beauty professionals to safely develop everything we sell to ensure every product is made with love -- not harmful chemicals.
Our product range targets those who suffer with skin discoloration issues such as, Hyperpigmentation, Sunburn, Melasma, Dark spots, Blemishes, Acne Scarring, Skin Bleaching damage, Oily skin, Dry skin and many more.
And our non-toxic skincare solutions give you and EVERY customer flawless, healthy-looking skin that you can feel confident in and no longer need to mask with tons of makeup.
Ready to bask in the glory of radiant, clear and naturally flawless skin? Browse our products now so that you can start to ‘love your skin’ again.
DW Aesthetics